Corrections Are Not Enough: Washington Post Misquotes Israeli Expert, Then Inserts Hezbollah Propaganda

(Worthy Insights) – Lieutenant Colonel (Res.) Sarit Zehavi, the founder and president of Alma — an independent research and education center focused on Israel’s security challenges along its northern border — has become a sought-after commentator amid Israel’s ongoing strikes on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.

Following the elimination of the terrorist organization’s leader, Hasan Nasrallah, it’s no surprise that the international media have turned to her for insight.

However, it was extremely surprising to see comments in The Washington Post connected with Zehavi that implied the Galilee region in northern Israel is “disputed” territory. [ Source (Read More…) ]

Iran Could Dash To Build a Nuclear Weapon Before Biden Leaves Office, Experts Warn

(Worthy Insights) – Iran could rush to build a functional nuclear weapon ahead of the 2024 presidential election should it assess that Donald Trump is poised to win, U.S. foreign policy experts are warning as Tehran works to undermine Trump’s White House bid.

“Iran may seek to establish a nuclear fait accompli before the next administration takes office in January 2025, especially if Iran perceives the new administration to be more hawkish, unpredictable, or otherwise less constrained,” the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank wrote in a recent assessment detailing Tehran’s march towards an atomic bomb.

That assessment comes as Iran seeks to influence the outcome of the November election, including by targeting the Trump campaign with a cyber operation. The campaign announced an Iranian hack in August when stolen materials were sent to news outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post. [ Source (Read More…) ]

Tim Walz promoted research facility that partners with China’s Wuhan lab

(Worthy Insights) – Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has long promoted a Minnesota-based medical research center with a history of working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, according to records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

The center in Walz’s home state of Minnesota, the Hormel Institute, often collaborates on research with the WIV, the institute in Wuhan, China, at the center of the COVID-19 lab leak theory. For over a decade, Walz has held meetings with the Hormel Institute and toured the research center, which has thanked Walz for securing it millions of dollars in funding, records show.

News of the ties between the Walz-allied research center and the WIV comes as the Democratic vice presidential nominee faces a congressional investigation over his “extensive” connections to China. This year, the U.S. government halted federal funding to a nonprofit group that worked with the lab in Wuhan — where the FBI has said COVID-19 likely emerged. Walz has reportedly traveled 30 times to China, including for his honeymoon, and he said in 2016 that he does not “fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship” with the United States. [ Source: Washington Examiner (Read More…) ]

Zuckerberg says he regrets caving to White House pressure on content

(Worthy Insights) – Mark Zuckerberg says he regrets that Meta bowed to Biden administration pressure to censor content, saying in a letter that the interference was “wrong” and he plans to push back if it happens again.

Meta’s CEO aired his grievances in a letter Monday to the House Judiciary Committee in response to its investigation into content moderation on online platforms. Zuckerberg detailed how senior administration officials leaned on the company to censor certain posts about Covid-19, including humor and satire, and “expressed a lot of frustration” when the social media platform resisted.

Zuckerberg also expressed regret for essentially hiding content related to coverage by the New York Post about Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election that the FBI warned may have been rooted in a Russian disinformation operation. [ Source (Read More…) ]

In the past, Worthy News was de-platformed for reporting an article detailing that Covid-19 may have originated in a lab linked to China’s biowarfare program.

Worthy News Facebook page was deplatformed for 30 days leading up to the 2020 election for reporting that Facebook and Twitter were blocking users from sharing the New York Post article covering the Hunter Biden Laptop story.

To this day, Worthy News has been censored and demoted across Facebook. Right now, we are currently being delisted due to reporting that the Taliban received millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

This is the article that Facebook is now using as grounds to threaten the unpublishing of our page.

Taliban’s Fake Nonprofits Scam Millions in U.S. Aid Post-Afghanistan Withdrawal

This is the mainstream media’s reporting of the same story.

U.S. taxpayers may be funding the Taliban and Afghan terror groups, watchdog says – NBC

U.S. watchdog says the Taliban are benefiting from international aid through ‘fraudulent’ NGOs – PBS News

Christians and Jews led global migration trends, Pew study revealed

(Worthy Insights) – A report from the Pew Research Center, released on Wednesday, uncovered that Christians and Jews were leading global migration trends, highlighting the significant role these religious groups played in the international movement of people. The study, which analyzed data from United Nations sources and over 270 censuses and surveys, revealed that Christians and Jews were overrepresented among the world’s migrants compared to their global population shares.

According to the report, Christians constituted nearly half (47%) of all international migrants, a figure notably higher than their 30% share of the global population. This made Christianity the most represented religion among those who lived outside their country of birth.

Meanwhile, Jews, though representing a tiny fraction of the world’s population at 0.2%, accounted for 1% of global migrants. This meant that one in every five Jews, or 20%, resided outside their country of birth, making them the religious group most likely to have migrated. [ Source (Read More…) ]

As Political Chaos Rages: 5 Ways Early Christians Bucked Roman Insanity

(Worthy Insights) – What would Jesus do amid an American political crisis that feels more fragmented and splintered than it has been in generations?

That’s the central question pastor and author Joshua Ryan Butler dealt with in his latest book, “The Party Crasher: How Jesus Disrupts Politics as Usual and Redeems Our Partisan Divide.”

Butler, who has been pastoring for two decades, said the past two election cycles have seen a “fracturing” and division that everyone has obviously felt. [ Source (Read More…) ]

Evangelist Lou Engle Calls a Million ‘Esthers’ to DC Mall for ‘America’s Last Stand’

(Worthy Insights) – In the book of Esther, we see how God raised up a young woman during a time of crisis to save her people, the Jews. Evangelist Lou Engle sees 2024 as another pivotal moment in history, with God calling women to save this nation. Engle is calling a million women to the DC Mall in October, for such a time as this.

“Everyone knows, America is in a time of crisis, the world is in a time of crisis… fasting and prayer has always shifted history. Esther was raised up for a time (when), if there wasn’t a shift, they would lose a whole nation,” Engle said.

In 2017, Lou Engle had a powerful dream.

In the dream, “A woman stands up and she’s teaching the book of Esther, and she says, ‘and these two words in the book of Esther actually mean Nazgul.’ I explode out of the dream instantly knowing what it means. I watched the third part of the Lord of the Rings where the Nazgul Witch King is destroying the armies of men and says, ‘No man can kill me,’ but the king’s daughter takes off her helmet, lets her hair down and says… ‘I am no man!’ and pierces the Nazgul with her sword,” Engle recalls. [ Source (Read More…) ]

Kamala Harris Pledges to ‘Restore’ Abortion Nationwide if Elected

(Worthy Insights) – Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination Thursday and painted the election as a “fight for America’s future,” saying Republican nominee Donald Trump would take America “back into the past” while she would lead the nation forward. Harris, who is seeking to become the nation’s first female president, also pledged to help legalize abortion nationwide once again if elected. The Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade sent the issue back to the states.

“As part of his agenda, he and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion, and enact a nationwide abortion ban with or without Congress,” Harris alleged. “And, get this, he plans to create a National Anti-Abortion Coordinator and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions. Simply put: They are out of their minds.”

Trump has said he would not sign a nationwide abortion ban and believes the issue should be left to individual states. An ABC News fact check of Harris’ speech said most of her abortion allegations were pulled from Project 2025, a non-campaign document Trump has repeatedly disavowed. [ Source: Christian Headlines (Read More…) ]

CAMERA yields its most corrections at once from wire story, after ‘AP’ emends Gazan death toll

(Worthy Insights) – When the Associated Press published an article about top presidential race issues upon which U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are “worlds apart” on Aug. 18, the more than 175-year-old wire service stated that “the civilian death toll has now exceeded 40,000” in Gaza.

The following day, the AP amended the piece “to correct the reference to the civilian death toll from the war in Gaza, which is unknown.”

“The Hamas-controlled Health Ministry says more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, but it does not distinguish between militants and civilians in its count,” the wire stated. [ Source (Read More…) ]

‘Christian role in Lebanon has ended,’ says Hezbollah-affectionate commentator

(Worthy Insights) – Pro-Hezbollah commentator Reda Saad stirred up a virtual storm in Lebanon following a sharp attack against his Christian compatriots, when he claimed that the Christians’ role in the country is over and American battleships are coming to the region to take them away.

In his controversial rant during an interview with Lebanon On News, Saad addressed his “Christian brethren in Lebanon,” as he named them, warning them to pay attention carefully to his words.

“I fear that the Christians in Lebanon will face a similar destiny to that of the Afghans, when they clung to the wheels of the American helicopters and are thrown from the sky,” he said provocatively. “I fear that you won’t have an airport or a port [to flee from]. And perhaps the foreign warships are coming to take you, to the last of you.” [ Source (Read More…) ]